This is the thoroughly revised, rewritten and enlarged edition of the book which is a comprehensive resource for occupational health care professionals and a complete guide on the practice of occupational health and safety. The first edition of the book was published in 2017 with 44 topics. The second edition presents a delineated approach to common occupational injuries and illnesses, their preventive and remedial measures, diagnosis and treatment, compensation and rehabilitations as per statutes with 53 topics. The text aims to help the occupational health and safety professionals in understanding and dealing with the complexities of industrial and occupational health and safety.
This book provides detailed information on a wide variety of topics to the occupational health and safety professionals dealing with industrial safety, health and hygiene; work physiology and ergonomics; and industrial psychology. Industry-wise health hazards and occupational health case-study reports are also incorporated in this edition.
Containing over 100 illustrations, tables and diagrams, this edition of the book describes the myriad of potential problems in the practice of industrial and occupational health faced by those who have devoted their professional lives to ensure safe and healthy work environments for the workers employed in different industries and occupations.