Special Features
*Authored and reviewed by the senior subject experts
* 100+ Figures and a number of Tables and Flowcharts included
* 50+ Case Scenarios and Practical Examples covered extensively
* Integrated and Applied Text approach
* Includes Solved Model paper
* Enriched with recent advancements
Salient Features
*This textbook has been written as per the Revised INC syllabus
* Important key terms of the respective Units have been covered separately in the beginning
* The subject matter has been thoroughly reviewed by the experts
* Supplemented with Case Studies covering all the applied aspects of Sociology in the clinical practice for real-time understanding
* All the important points are covered in detail as per the need of the students
* Written in a lucid language which helps the students to understand the crux of the matter
* Summary of the Unit has been provided at the end of each Unit for quick glance over the important points
* Probable multiple-choice questions with short and long answer questions are covered at the end of each chapter for self-evaluation