We began our story over 60 years ago on a winter morning in 1955 ( Or maybe it was a summer morning ? No one really knows, Bangalore weather was a lot more uniform and a lot better back then !).
Bangalore Medical College (BMC) was founded a few months prior just up the street.
Not too far away were the backbone Medical centres of Bangalore, Victoria ,Vanivillas and Minto hospital.
Given our proximity to these centres of excellence, our small store for much of its existence had the good fortune of selling books to, and receiving advice from some of the brightest and most experienced doctors in our country.
Over the years that followed many more reputed medical colleges would be set up across the state and our alumni network would continue to grow.
At Prithvi, we’ve always looked at selling books not as a business, but as a service to the country.
In a country where doctor to patient ratio stands at 1:10,189 and nurse to patient ratio at 1:483, every doctor and nurse counts!
To ensure every student who walks into our doors walks out a better medical professional, we’ve spent an enourmous amount of time and resources on training our staff to be up to date with new syllabuses and new breakthroughs in medical education.
Counfused over which book to pick? Don’t worry ! Just ask anyone on our highly trained and experienced team and they’ll help you out. Our book recommendations are made by taking into account hundreds of book reviews, interactions with original authors (Yes we’ve had legends like “insert authors who visited our store”) and our own analytics systems that extrapolate previous book sales data over the years in making the perfect book recommendation!