This is the thoroughly revised edition of the book which aims to impart knowledge and help develop skills among the paramedical and nursing personnel engaged in operation theatre activities and care services for surgical patients.
The entire text is divided into eight sections:
★ Section 1 covers basic anatomy and physiology of different systems of human body, introduction of terminology related to medical science, and fundamentals of physics to understand operation theatre (OT) equipment.
★ Section 2 relates to planning and management of OT, maintenance of asepsis and sterility in OT premises.
★ Section 3 dwells on perioperative management of surgical patients and role of OT technologist.
★ Sections 4 and 5 cover common surgical procedures, anaesthesia and perioperative complications relevant to OT technologist.
★ Sections 6 and 7 discuss how to sterilize and maintain equipment used in surgical procedures as well as common clinical procedures required during perioperative period.
★ Section 8 describes the importance of communication and medical ethics for health care providers, including OT technologist.