Salient Features and Highlights
★ More than 55 bacterial and fungal, 25 viral and 23 parasitic based integrated clinical-based cases to make a sound foundation of the infectious diseases in medical students. Worked out in a systematic Q–A based format for clear understanding.
★ More than 33 general microbiology|infection control and pandemic management and 15 immunology-based clinical vignettes|clinical cases worked out in a systematic fashion to make a sound foundation of medical microbiology.
★ All chapters in clinical infectious diseases|syndromes of various systems are provided with clinical details including collection, transport and processing techniques. Also provided are exclusive clinical cases, including references of clinical cases.
★ All sections on bacterial diseases have separate subsections for outline or classification of organisms, metabolic and microscopic features, media requirements and colonial characters (including diagnostic), clinical profile, laboratory diagnosis of important bacterial diseases and treatment. This is organized in an integrated tabular format.
★ Sections dealing with DNA and RNA viral infections have exclusive tabulated and referenced chapters on clinical profile and laboratory diagnosis of such infections.
★ Protozoology and helminthology sections in parasitic diseases have exclusive chapters on morphological profile, transmission|life-cycle and host’s profile, clinical profile, laboratory diagnosis profile and treatment profile.
★ All sections have assessment|examination questions including MCQs with answers and references.
The book also includes:
★ An exclusive section on pandemic management
★ Two AETCOM scenarios with reference to microbiology
★ More than 50 quotations to inspire the reader
★ Content format offers flexibility to sequence of learning and teaching
★ Complimentary digital resources for young medical