search Tag: ashish, saha, ashis, dd in clinical med
Key Features:
– A comprehensive textbook which encourages Practice Oriented Learning by guiding readers to trace the path from Symptom to Diagnosis.
– Each topic is clearly written in an easy to understand language and listed in a point-wise manner.
– History taking including negative history, which is very important to exclude any aetiology related to that specific symptom is emphasized.
– Physical examinations related to all the differential diagnoses are also listed, so as to exclude the aetiology one by one.
– All the potential causes of a condition are thoroughly explained.
– General Clinical, Haematological and Biochemical Investigations related to the diseases are summarized.
– Clinical knowledge related to Serological tests, Histology and other Special tests is incorporated.
– Tables, Flowcharts, Highlighted boxes are provided to set up a vivid memory, which helps during assessments.
– General and special radiological procedures are listed to further taper the area of diagnosis.
– Specific tests for previously narrowed differential diagnoses to reach the summit and pinpoint the diagnosis are spotlighted.
– Guides the reader to evaluate, exclude & confirm the specific diagnosis, with regard to signs-symptoms.
– A dedicated chapter on COVID-19 Infection is also included.
– A ready-reference guide for UG, PG students & clinicians to make a precise diagnosis in relation to various presenting ailments.
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