It is primarily intended for the students and practitioners of reproductive medicine. Assisted reproductive technology (ART) has evolved over the years in a fascinating manner. Many unexplored areas of human reproduction are being explored daily, adding new information to our existing knowledge, and some of these areas have been included in this volume. A substantial part of this volume is dedicated to male infertility which is responsible for 40-45% cases of failure of normal human reproduction, posing a real challenge for ART specialists. The author has attempted to clarify several ‘grey areas’ in the concepts of male infertility. The different aspects of male infertility covering etiology, investigation and management, including ICSI, have been dealt with in eight different subchapters. Two interesting and important topics ‘reactive oxygen species’ and ‘role of nutraceuticals in male infertility’ have also been included. Another subject, ‘low ovarian reserve’, has also been dealt with exhaustively for the benefit of the readers. This subject has been divided over three different chapters: ‘Genesis of Poor Ovarian Reserve’, ‘Predictors of Response to Ovarian Stimulation’ and ‘Management’ of Poor Responders’.The chapters on ‘Current Concept of Physiology of Ovulation’ and ‘Approach to Diagnosis of Primary Amenorrhoea‘ have been treated in a very scientific manner and offer a clear and concise understanding of the topics. Chapter on ‘Sexual Ambiguity-Intersex Disorders’ has been dealt with utmost dedication, with inputs drawn from the author’s own vast experience of teaching and clinical practice. From the academic point of view, a comprehensive knowledge in reproductive medicine demands a sound background of the basic science compounded with an intelligent application of the same in clinical medicine. This book attempts to act as a bridge between basic science and clinical application in reproductive medicine.
search tags: chakravarthy, BN, chakhravarty, chakravart
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