Basic Ophthalmology
Renu Jogi
The International Uveitis Study Group has recommended the recent classification of uveitis based on the anatomical location of the uveal tract. The International Society of Geographical and Epidemiological Ophthalmology (ISGEO) has recommended a new classification for primary angle-closure glaucoma. Two additional sections deal with the Early Treatment for Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) classification and Scheie’s classification along with recent clinical classification for hypertensive retinopathy that replaces the preexistent taxonomy prevalent for little less than seven decades. With posterior chamber intraocular lenses establishing themselves as the primary modality in the optical rehabilitation of patients undergoing cataract surgery, the emphasis has shifted from just visual rehabilitation to an early, perfect optical, occupational, and psychological rehabilitation.All these points have been included in this latest edition.
- A complete textbook on Basics of Ophthalmology, written as per syllabi of Indian universities
- Extensively updated edition with a new section of Clinical Evaluation, include case based questions.
- Presents the basic aspects as well as recent advances in ophthalmology comprehensively.
- Addition of new clinical photographs, flowcharts, and tables to facilitate quick learning.
- Covers more than 500 MCQs with answers for easy recall of the subject.
- Thoroughly updated and revised chapter of “Instruments in Ophthalmology”
- Useful for graduate and postgraduate students and teachers as well as practising ophthalmologists.
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