Showing 1–12 of 52 results

Adson Forceps 5 inches

  • Free Shipping
  • Size: 5 Inches
  • Material: High-quality Stainless Steel
  • Tip : teethed
  • Corrosion-resistant coating
  • High Tensile Strength
  • The image quality above is reduced to optimize file size and make this webpage load faster. The Real Product will have a classic stainless steel finish

Allis Forceps 6 inches

  • Free Shipping
  • Size: 6 Inches
  • Material: High-quality Stainless Steel
  • Head: toothed, straight
  • Corrosion-resistant coating
  • High Tensile Strength
  • The image quality above is reduced to optimize file size and make this webpage load faster. The Real Product will have a classic stainless steel finish

Bandage/Dressing Scissors Curved (6.5 inches)

  • Free Shipping
  • Size: 6.5 inches
  • Material: High-Quality Stainless Steel
  • Blade: curved
  • Corrosion-resistant coating
  • High Tensile Strength
  • The image quality above is reduced to optimize file size and make this webpage load faster. The Real Product will have a classic stainless steel finish

Bandage/Dressing Scissors Straight (8 inches)

  • Free Shipping
  • Size: 8 inches
  • Material: High-Quality Stainless Steel
  • Blade: Lower flat, upper sharp
  • Corrosion-resistant coating
  • High Tensile Strength
  • The image quality above is reduced to optimize file size and make this webpage load faster. The Real Product will have a classic stainless steel finish